Learn how to use single devices with all of the MarlarBots recommended Micro-Controllers
Blink an LED with HC-12 radio transceiver communication
Blink an LED by text message with the SIM7000A
Neo 6M GPS
Blink an LED based on GPS read outs with the NEO 6M GPS
MFRC RC522 RFID-Card Reader
Blink an LED using the MFRC RC522 FRID - Card Reader and RFID tags
2.8 TFT Touch Screen
Blink an LED with a TFT touch screen using a virtual keypad
Latching Electronic Switch
Blink an LED with an electronic self-latching switch
Digital Potentiometer MCP4131 (10K)
Fade an LED in and out with a digital potentiometer
USP Window Bug Glass Break Sensor (Piezo)
Blink an LED with a Piezo Sensor
Blink an LED based on the tilting of an accelerometer
Waterproof Ultrasonic Sensor
Blink an LED with a waterproof ultrasonic distance sensor
Keypad (Adafruit 4x3)
Blink an LED with a 4x3 keypad
7-Segment LED Display
Blink through the numbers 0-9 on a 7-segment LED display
Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout
Get Date, Time, Latitude & Longitude with the Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout
QMC5883L Digital Compass
View current degree heading from 0-360 degrees
Adafruit 2-Axis Analog Joystick W/ Select Button
Blink an LED with an analog joystick
LCD Display
Display Messages on an I2C based LCD Display
ESP32 WIFI+Bluetooth
Blink an LED using the ESP32 and the Blynk app on a smartphone from anywhere in the world with internet
W5100 Ethernet Shield
Blink an LED using the W5100 Ethernet Shield and the Blynk app on a smartphone from anywhere in the world with internet
FRAM I2C Breakout
Save values (0-255) to either EEPROM or FRAM. My example saves 20,000 Integers to the first 20,000 addresses for EEPROM and FRAM