Go from beginner to professional level knowledge in electronics engineering, software development, & 3D printing.
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Learn the basics of electrical circuits in order to make simple to advanced robotics projects.
Embedded Systems Tutorials using C++ - Python - C. Web Development tutorials using Visual Basic - ASP.net - HTML - CSS - JavaScript - SQL - C# - MVC and more.
Learn the process start to finish of how to 3D model a part, use a slicing software, calibrate your printer, calibrate your slicing software, and get the perfect print!
Purchase pre-built products made using MarlarBots tutorials or purchase Parts Packages to build them yourself!
Follow the micro-controllers path to learn C++/Python/C using Arduino-ESP32/Raspberry Pi/STM32-MSP430. The process also teaches basic electrical circuits and common peripherals used.
Follow the Web Design Path using Visual Studio Community to learn Visual Basic - ASP.net - HTML - CSS - JavaScript - SQL/mySQL - JQuery - Ajax - C# - MVC - ASP.NET CORE - Object Oriented Programming.
Web Design
Follow the 3D Printing path to learn how to 3D model a part, use a slicing software, calibrate your printer, calibrate your slicing software, go over common errors and solutions, and get the perfect print!
3D Printing
Follow the MarlarBots Path to add valuable skills & experience to resumes, applications and DIY toolbelts.
MarlarBots Path
Visit the shop to purchase pre-assembled kits filled with parts for MarlarBots based projects.