
Follow the micro-controllers path to learn C++/Python/C using Arduino-ESP32/Raspberry Pi/STM32-MSP430. The process also teaches basic electrical circuits and common peripherals used.


Web Design

Follow the Web Design Path using Visual Studio Community to learn Visual Basic - ASP.net - HTML - CSS - JavaScript - SQL/mySQL - JQuery - Ajax - C# - MVC - ASP.NET CORE - Object Oriented Programming.

Web Design

3D Modeling / 3D Printing

Follow the 3D Printing path to learn how to 3D model a part, use a slicing software, calibrate your printer, calibrate your slicing software, go over common errors and solutions, and get the perfect print!

3D Printing

MarlarBots Path

Follow the MarlarBots Path to add valuable skills & experience to resumes, applications and DIY toolbelts.

MarlarBots Path


Visit the shop to purchase pre-assembled kits filled with parts for MarlarBots based projects.
